Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lorella Viola
Aodhan Kelly
Sheffield Hallam University
Daniela Petrelli

Daniela Petrelli is (full) Professor of Interaction Design at the Art, Design & Media Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University. She has a broad range of research interests including user interfaces for multimedia digital libraries and multilingual information retrieval, language-based intelligent interfaces, interaction with digital heritage and personalisation for cultural heritage, data visualization and visual analytics, personal and family memories. She has over 20 years of experience on user-centred design, field studies, co-design, co-creation and creative practices applied in a range of different domains. Prof Petrelli has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, led a number of collaborative projects and received 12 awards and recognitions from academia and industry.
Rinella Cere

Rinella Cere is Associate Professor in Media and Cultural Studies at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. Her publications include An International Study of Film Museums (Routledge, 2021); she is the co-editor of Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain and has introduced postcolonial theory in the study of film and media in Postcolonial and Media Studies: A Cognitive Map. She has contributed to Postcolonial Studies Meets Media Studies. A Critical Encounter and has written extensively on a variety of media coverage from anti-immigration discourses to Brexit. She is currently working on the research project “Polyvocal Interpretation of Contested Colonial Heritage”.
Danilo Giglitto

Danilo Giglitto is a Research Associate whose work falls in the areas of heritage studies, sociology, and human-computer interaction, having a growing track record of refereed publications as well as communication, outreach, and engagement activities on topics such deprofessionalising heritage practices and digitally-mediated community-led endevours. His areas of expertise and interest include, among others, qualitative research methods, research design, intangible cultural heritage, digital heritage, community engagement, bottom-up approaches, wikis, and decolonisation practices.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Alec Badenoch

Alec Badenoch is Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Endowed Professor of Transnational Media at the VU Amsterdam and Assistant Professor in Media and Culture at the University of Utrecht. In addition to PICCH, he co-leads a sub-project of "Artists' Community Knowledge (ACKnowledge)", and works on the Clariah Media Suite digital humanities portal. He was a leading researcher 2013-2016 on the HERA project “Transnational Radio Encounters”. He is a longtime board member of the Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte, founder of the Women’s Radio in Europe research network. His research explores transnational entanglements of broadcasting and digital archives and heritage.
Emily Clark

Emily Hansell Clark is an ethnomusicologist (PhD 2020, Columbia University) investigating music, sound, and migration within the former Dutch colonial empire. Her PhD project followed the trajectories of musical instruments and songbirds from the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia to Suriname and the Netherlands. She also holds a degree in Information Studies (MSIS 2011, The Universiy of Texas at Austin) with a focus on sound archives and has consulted on a number of archive repatriation projects. Emily’s research has been funded by the Fulbright Program and Mellon Foundation. She is a performing member of the Javanese-Surinamese gamelan ensemble Witing Kelapa in The Hague.
Aix-Marseille University
Sophie Gebeil

Dr. Sophie Gebeil is Lecturer («Maître de conférences») at the TELEMME Laboratory (Time, Spaces, Languages - Southern Europe and the Mediterranean) in Aix-Marseille University (France) since 2016. As a full member of her laboratory, she is in charge of the the workshop "Visual Studies and Digital Humanities". She is working on how the past is portrayed online, especially from minority groups, through the French Web archives. Since 2019, she has been a member of the "modern and contemporary history" section of the National Council of Universities. She has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers, and a book entitled Website story – History, memories and web archives with the INA editions.
Christine Mussard

Christine Mussard is associate professor at Aix-Marseille University and researcher at The Institute of Research and Study on the Arab and Islamic Worlds (IREMAM), where she leads a research seminar about Education in the Arab world. She first studied settlement of colonial villages in Algeria during the French colonization and was a member of PROCIT ANR. Temporary assigned to the CNRS for 2021-2022, her current work explores specific process of schooling in a project named “Schooling under control in colonial Algeria, 1945-1962”.
Oslo Metropolitan University
Pia Borlund

Prof Pia Borlund is (full) professor at the Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Borlund holds a BA and an MA from the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark and a PhD from Åbo Academi University, Finland. Prof. Borlund’s research expertise is in interactive information retrieval (IIR). Within the IIR community, internationally speaking, she is known for her development of the IIR evaluation model, which uniquely employs simulated work task situations and guides the conduction of performance-based user studies of information searching. This earned her the prestigious STRIX award in 2018, which is given in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the field of information retrieval.
Nils Pharo

Nils Pharo is profesor in knowledge organization and information retrieval at the Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. His research interests are interactive information retrieval, metadata modelling and scholarly communication. Prof Pharo has written several scientific peer reviewed journal and conference papers.
Ying-Hsang Liu

Ying-Hsang Liu is a Senior Researcher at the Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science, Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. He holds a Ph.D. in information science from Rutgers University in the USA, with MA in linguistics and BA in library science from Taiwan. He has worked at six institutions in five countries across four continents. Dr. Liu’s research program has focused on the design of interactive information technologies, with a particular emphasis on user perceptions and individual differences and the relationship between visual search and user search behavior. His co-edited book Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives by Routledge is open access at
Sérgio Paulo

Sérgio Paulo graduated in electrotechnical and Computers Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, in 2001, and received his PhD degree in Electrotechnical and Computers Engineering from the same University in 2009 with a thesis on Speech Synthesis. He worked for INESC-ID Lisbon, as a Senior Researcher, and co-founded VoiceInteraction in 2008, holding a position on the board of the company. He has participated in European (FP6 e-Circus, FP7-SAVAS, FP7-CAPER,H2020-AIDA) and National projects (e.g. TECNOVOZ, CallScriber). He was also involved in the ECESS (European Center of Excellence in Speech Synthesis) Actions from 2005 to 2008.
Sérgio Paulo has been focused in the areas of speech recognition and synthesis, and speech processing at large, and also in methods to automate the creation of speech corpora. A
Anna Pompili
Anna Pompili is a Research Associate at VoiceInteraction. She holds a Ph.D, MSc, and BSc in information systems and computer engineering, received from Lisbon and Rome universities. Her research interests span the broad and multidisciplinary area of human language interaction, with a focus on the development of speech-based solutions that aim at tackling societal challenges and have a direct impact on quality of life. 
She has 20 years of experience spent between the industry and academia, where she gathered a deep background on software development best practices and authored more than 15 peer-reviewed papers, receiving several awards.
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Johan Oomen

Johan Oomen is Head of Research and Heritage Services at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and a researcher at the User-Centric Data Science group of the VU University Amsterdam. Throughout his practice, Oome works on initiatives that focus on providing access to digital heritage. He has a background in information science, media studies and computer science, and his current research focuses on exploring the potential of digital cultural heritage in the wider Cultural and Creative Industries. He is a board member of the Europeana Foundation, the EUscreen Foundation and the PublicSpaces Foundation. Oomen is an advisor to the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Time Machine Organisation and the Dutch ational Research Council for Cultural Heritage, and co-chair of The Netherlands Heritage Network. In 2020, he co-founded the NLAIC working group on Culture and Media and the Cultural AI Lab.
Nicole Emmenegger

Nicole Emmenegger is a Product Manager at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision responsible for developing and leading international projects for the target group Research and Digital Heritage professionals. She also coordinates the EUscreen network of European broadcast archives and sits on the Board of the EUScreen network. In 2021, with funding from Mondriaan Fonds, she co-founded the project Sounds Familiar, which, over several years, aims to examine how Sound and Vision can decolonise its archival practices and policies. Nicole holds an MA in Cultural Policy from Goldsmiths College and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Heritage Studies from the University of East London. She has previously worked for
Europeana in The Hague and Historypin in London.
Europeana in The Hague and Historypin in London.