List of publications about decolonising and deconstructing GLAMs
- Agostinho, D. (2019). Archival encounters: Rethinking access and care in digital colonial archives. Archival Science, 19(2), 141–165.
- Ajotikar, R., & van Straaten, va-M. A. (2021). Postcolonial sound archives: Challenges and potentials. An introduction. The World of Music, 10(1), 5–20.
- Van Bockhaven, V. (2019). Decolonising the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium’s Second Museum Age. Antiquity, 93(370), 1082–1087.
- Caswell, M., & Cifor, M. (2016). From human rights to feminist ethics: Radical empathy in the archives. Archivaria, 81, 23–43.
- Caswell, M. (2017). Teaching to dismantle white supremacy in archives. The Library Quarterly, 87(3), 222–235.
- Chilcott, A. (2019). Towards protocols for describing racially offensive language in UK public archives. Archival Science, 19(4), 359–376.
- Drabinski, E. (2013). Queering the catalog: Queer theory and the politics of correction. The Library Quarterly, 83(2), 94–111.
- Ghaddar, J. J., & Caswell, M. (2019). “To go beyond”: Towards a decolonial archival praxis. Archival Science, 19(2), 71–85.
- Gilliland, A. J. (2017). A matter of life or death: A critical examination of the role of records and archives in supporting the agency of the forcibly displaced. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, 1(2).
- Hamilton, C., Harris, V., Taylor, J., Pickover, M., Reid, G., & Saleh, R. (Eds.). (2002). Refiguring the archive. Springer Science+Business Media.
- Jeurgens, C., & Karabinos, M. (2020). Paradoxes of curating colonial memory. Archival Science.
- Jimerson, R. C. (2007). Archives for all: Professional responsibility and social justice. The American Archivist, 70(2), 252–281.
- Kimberly, C. (2011). Opening archives: Respectful repatriation. The American Archivist, 74(1), 185–210.
- Kurtz, M. (2006). A postcolonial archive? On the paradox of practice in a Northwest Alaska project. Archivaria, 61, 63–90.
- Odumosu, T. (2020). The crying child. On colonial archives, digitization, and ethics of care in the cultural commons. Current Anthropology, 61(22), 289–302.
- Povinelli, E. A. (2011). The woman on the other side of the wall: Archiving the otherwise in postcolonial digital archives. Differences, 22(1), 146–171.
- Punzalan, R. L., & Caswell, M. (2016). Critical directions for archival approaches to social justice. The Library Quarterly, 86(1), 25–42.
- Ramirez, M. H. (2015). Being assumed tot to be: A critique of whiteness as an archival imperative. The American Archivist, 78(2), 339–356.
- Robinson-Sweet, A. (2018). Truth and reconciliation: Archivists as reparations activists. The American Archivist, 81(1), 23–37.
- Schmid, A. (2020). How to ‘decolonize’ a collaboration? The cultural heritage projects of the National Museum of Mali and the National Museum of Ethnology. Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise the minds.
- Smith, C. (2005). Decolonising the museum: The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. Antiquity, 79(304), 424–439.
- Stoler, A. L. (2009). Along the archival grain: Epistemic anxieties and colonial common sense. Princeton University Press.
- yamomo, meLê, & Titus, B. (2021). The persistent refrain of the colonial archival logic / Colonial entanglements and sonic transgressions: Sounding out the Jaap Kunst collection. The World of Music, 10(1), 39–70.